3, 022, 401
Total Population
1, 474, 224
Male Population
1, 548, 177
Female Population
Number of Households
Total Population
Namibian Population
Hover/click on the Region to retrieve a value.
Namibian Population
The population of Namibia grew by 30.08 percentage between 2011 and 2023, from 2,11 million persons in 2011 to 3,02 million persons in 2023. This is the largest percentage change in population size.
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Namibian Population
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Population By Sex
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No Data Found
Population by Urban/Rural
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Proportion by Sex and Region
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Graph not Displayed on Mobile.
Average Household Size
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No Data Found
Population distribution by Region, Namibia 2011 and 2023 censuses
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Total Number of Households, Namibia
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No Data Found
Percentage Change by Region
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Average Household Size by Region
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Population by 10 Year Age Group
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