3, 022, 401

Total Population

1, 474, 224

Male Population

1, 548, 177

Female Population


Number of Households

Total Population

About Census 2023
Census 2023 was the first digital population count and gave respondents the option to complete the census questionnaire with or without the assistance of a census fieldworker.
Most Populated Region
Khomas - 494, 605
Least Populated Region
Omaheke - 102, 881
Total Population: 3, 022, 401 Male Population: 1, 474, 224 Male Population : 48.77% Female Population : 51.27% Sex Ratio (Males per 100 females) : 95.5 Young Children (0-14 Years) : 37% Working age Population(15-59 years) : 56.1% Elderly Population (60+ years) : 6.8% Urban Population : 50% Rural Population : 50% Population Density (Person per Square Kilometer) : 3.7 Number of Households : 756 339 Average Household size : 3.8
Total Population: 3, 022, 401 Male Population: 1, 474, 224 Male Population : 48.77% Female Population : 51.27% Sex Ratio (Males per 100 females) : 95.5 Young Children (0-14 Years) : 37% Working age Population(15-59 years) : 56.1% Elderly Population (60+ years) : 6.8% Urban Population : 50% Rural Population : 50% Population Density (Person per Square Kilometer) : 3.7 Number of Households : 756 339 Average Household size : 3.8

The population of Namibia grew by 30.08 percentage  between 2011 and 2023, from 2,11 million persons in 2011 to 3,02 million persons in 2023. This is the largest percentage change in population size.

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